Catch Lahore - Affairology season 101

Small experiences lies beneath within our heart and we do sometimes smile silently by remembering those events. I hope almost majority of us have experienced these incidents.
So for all those who have spent some sleepless nights . . .


Now where should i start from, its all black but . . .
An unseen light pushed me under the sky of twinkling stars
The sound whispered to come and explore the night of twinkling stars

A star twinkling, flickering in the sky
. . . but seems to me close enough on the ground
A star with a distant light unlike uniqueness
. . . but seems to me a night alive with stars

What should i say now, it feels like some unexplainable words
What should i cherish on, it feels like inexpressible happiness
What should i recite, it feels like unseen Holy to me

It sense like finished but thought as begining
It appeared like a ray and vanished like a cloud
It heard like a voice though sounds like a rhyme

. . . walked into the night of twinkling stars
I am blessed with the phenomenon of twinkling stars
. . . stayed there for a moment in the night
I am blessed with the idea of Holy lamp

I saw the night passed
I saw the stars staring dull
. . . and i saw the heavenly vision in the night of twinkling stars

*a layer of smooth touch for all those who are a little sensitive in this area, will take these seasons to a new level . . .
Catch Lahore will encounter all those events in a comic rhythmic wave that will stay in your heart forever . . .

*Your comments will enhance the real essence of this tale . . .

Catch Lahore - enlighten us . . .

The nature was designed in this way . . .

SPRING - the season, when comes, it prevails a lively atmosphere all around. Everything just goes fresh and colorful. it is the most pleasant experience one could have.
There is a tree in front of my house, that goes on & off with seasons, the leaves get dry, they fall and new one arrives. the process is continuous and going on for years. But the tree looks most beautiful when new light green leaves starts to appear when the spring starts. Though it goes on & on every year but its beauty at the start of spring always look stunning.
I recognized a thing, that God has given us, as a great blessing, which are the ups & downs of life we experience in day to day life - which makes each moment worth living.


Seasons gone, days passed but time still waits
Behind the clouds in the sky, is the reason for
Lurking all alone, watching all false dreams
How alone, how sad - the last leaf of summer

*The sad experience, the tree feels when autumn come and he fears the death of its leaves.

Waiting all the time, looking all around searching its way
Finding all the time, footsteps in the shadow of doubt
Now no pray to pray and no heart to hurt
Saying all the time - the last leaf of summer

*The leaves have started falling and the time is here which the tree afraid of.

How would it pass the time for next time to new time?
How would it gather the moments of last time to this time?
How would it know about the time, which waits all the time?
How would it know that it is the last leaf of summer?

*Now it is suffering from grave failure - the death of all its leaves. The moment of extreme darkness in its life.

Belief still exists in heart
Belief still exists in eyes
Remembering all the lonely walks
Remembering all meaningless evenings

*The belief of coming spring - the nature of every being to hope till it last.

Silent lips, searching eyes, dry autumn and wet winter
Leaving last time for new time
The last leaf of summer . . .

* and the cycle goes on & on & on . . .

** Never fear your challenges & never challenges your fears - These all ups & downs are blessed on you by God, so that you always have a real & true taste of every moment in life, how would you enjoy winning without having a taste of loss.

Catch Lahore - never doubt your abilities - live your passion . . .

An experience of lifetime . . .

On our trip to India, we had an encounter with a girl that has an innocent smile, we were all traveling in a train (From mumbai to delhi). She was from Srinagar-Kashmir. She was a teacher there. She told us about the incidents, all the happenings and the reality beyond all this we see day to day through media. The day i thought we all are very lucky to have a country of our own. We can at least breath, roam around, travel, have our children walk through streets and every day to day things which the people of Kashmiries cant even imagine.
I realized the pain in her eyes, the cry, the words pleading help for those who are dying there in vain.
I tried to express some expression i grasp from her face but these are just words not the feelings i got from her face, those were unexplainable, i named that girl - the girl with an innocent smile.

A train was movinf with an increasing pace
In a lonely night, she flashed like lightning
sat in front of me - the girl with an innocent smile

so much to explain, so much to tell, so much to ask
what lye behind those eyes, whats hidden behind that smile
the words were there but the sound was burried deep inside

she wanted to shout, she wanted to cry
the reason was there but she kept it covered with her smile
she wanted to fly, she wanted to fall freely
the reason was something else but always appeared as smile

i wanted to hold her hand and share her fancies
i wanted to counter that smile and win a laughter for her
i wanted to turn those mute eyes into blissful stars

she is gone, she disappeared - scattering questions around
my thoughts hovering about that expressionless smile
wish i could get through that everlasting smile but . . .
will remain a hidden truth, the girl with an innocent smile.

** i was so impressed by her faith and positive attitude. she kept a constant smile on her face while talking to us and did show her anger but never pointed a finger on anyone.
The thing which i will always remember was that, she said, "there is always much more to life than you see, always keep faith in the One - who has created us all."

Catch Lahore, stay united, always have faith . . .

The Bright shadow of night

Last night, i was sitting on the roof top of my house, suddenly i figured out my shadow - shadow, owing to the bright light of moon, i realized the smoothness and calmness in the moon light and the begin thinking of something . . .

Let the sunshine finishes now
Let the rain come to an end now
Let the water dry up again
Let the shadow of night sprinkle again

*i named the shadow, the bright shadow of night, which to me refers to the hope, in the prevailed darkness in somebody's life, could be failure, could be any sort of darkness.

Thirsty lips, wet eyes lurking all alone in the dark
Developing thoughts, rising inquisitiveness and obstreperous manner
Spreading light, ominous sounds and aghast movements
Searching all alone in the dark

*have you ever witnessed the nature of human being, when he is in the state of any failure and searching here and there for help. The curiosity and the eagerness to just end this dark period and come in light again - the moon light.

Come now, make this dream true now
Come now, don't make me awake now
Make it, feel it, sense it but lie it now
Make it, bring it, drop it let it be now

Glow again, make it glow once again.
Cry again, make your eyes wet again.
Blow again, make the wind flow again.
Walk again, feel the warmth once again.

What now, stretching clouds are running again
Repeating frames, which the moon afraid of
Burning flames of, wait, that would not last for long
What now, wait again, until the time comes once again . . .

** well the thing i realized in that moon light - nothing is larger than life and nothing stays forever. you should be thankful to what you have. regret is inevitable owing to its nature, but hope is eternal due to God's blessings. always think of the positive side.
Stay together - never leave hope.

Catch Lahore - a vision to spread happiness.

Lets fight for those, who think they are left alone !

There - life seems to be still
No sound, no vision, no happiness lives there
where there is no light - they are left alone

what, if they know the word humanity
what, if they think of the word freedom
what, if they believe - they are left alone

watching the race that is beefing up in front of them
ignoring the fact that is diminishing in front of them
accepting the truth that is lying in front of them

drowning wishes in the deep corners of heart
lurking alone all the time in the crowded sort surrounding
left alone in the gravest aperture of darkness

they can survive but surely they cannot smile
because there are emotions, but without feelings
they can imagine but surely they cannot express
because there are people, in them - they are left alone

and, with regret, the people are we, we, we !

Catch Lahore will catch all the happiness for all those who thinks they are left alone, are you Lahories ? are you with me ? will you CatchLahore with me . . .