Have you ever figured it out, what really energy is? How does it work in making relationships?
All the attachments, all the feelings, all the emotions, the tears, the smiles, rhythmic clutching of heart - the love, the sense of touch, the sensation of lips, the support of an hug, the expressiveness of eyes - the power of your brain, its all energy around you.
Brain - the controlling center of all the actions of humans, right from your heart beat to all the six senses you possess. There is nothing except energy in this world. What you do, what you think, how you behave, how you react, when you smile, when you cry you always unintentionally transmit energy right from your brain through your body. Laughter, moaning, clapping are contiguous, why? It resonate energy in your body, internal frequency of energy matches with the outside frequency and you are able to do what you see.
Among all the buildings around the globe, some are special structures, Pyramids - gathers negative energies, octagonal shape of mosques - gathers positive energies. What actually is the concept of negative and positive energies? and how does it plays an important role in human relationships and behavior?
Human face is capable of delivering thousands of expressions - expression itself is a form of energy, it interacts with brain and we all are able to sense and interpret the feelings of other person from their expression. is sad, is happy, is tense, is worried, is about to cry, is lost, is thinking - have you memorized those expressions and always come to know what this specific expression means? NO! these are the same expression you are capable of delivering, in fact you possesses the energy within yourself and when you see an expression, it signals to your brain, matches with the energy within you and you are able to know what this means.
The only thing capable of bringing out change in this world is the sun - God has made sun the hub of energy. We humans - are chunks of, are packets of energies, capable of great power. Its ironic that we possess tremendous amount of power and we hardly knows about it. Negativity, Positivity are in our own hands. We are the ones who are responsible for every good act and bad act. When you do good, the energy of your body aligns with the positive energies around you, you become a transmitter of good energies.
Relationships - How they are made - How they work
The deepest and unmatchable relationship is of Mother & child, why,
To be continued . . .
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