ONE Lahore TWO Stories . . .

Have you ever witnessed the power of ONE?
a change 'one' can bring to himself/herself - to humanity. Change - can never be brought at once, it has to happen step by step.
But, who will take the initial step? yeah, same old principle - "Its some one else s job." i rephrase this, 'I am sleeping, somebody will take care of this.'
one of the stories is directly related to your sleep, yes your slumber!
You all are in a state of sleep because you are unable to see whats going around you.
One story, somehow related to the history of Lahore - the fall of Mughal Empire, no wonder they were also in a state of sleep.
Second story, the effort of one that brought a change, no matter how small a change was but it was, and i witnessed it.

Here goes with the first, i termed your state of slumber & your inability to look around, as, "WHEN I FALL ASLEEP . . ."

I thought of a regular awake, i sought out for a simple dream
No wonder the slumber diffused me to unstable deep ugly pit
I lurked against the melodious rhyme, i trusted the designed rhythm
No way, a being defeat the lonely gathering of light-less shadows

* you will all be thinking that it will be over again and things will get smooth again and you will be awake again. wishful thinking.

Spark residues pops to ignite vitality, but greasy clouds seals volatility
Exemplify the history model, but the vision so blur to inherit smoothly
Restricted divine path, scrutinizing angel's light but skip-over dashes thoroughly

* an hero will emerge again and reset things, that will be in your favor. You thinking of an model that will exemplify history again. wishful thinking.

Inland fumes, smoky traces, tune so sweet - bothers vagueness
Reply-able cry, sandy footprints, appeal so savage - madden heme
Charismatic alignment, silky smooth, focus so straight - ray chagrin
Blossom beauty, petal fragrance, shines so lusty - beats hope

* you have found beauty in worldly pleasures, baseless materialistic figures. you are unable to see the true face of beauty - it starts from your own heart. in distress, you will cry and someone will listen to you. wishful thinking.

Trim-less prevailed heights,
. . .how could the hands touch the skies?
Ruthless escaping epoch,
. . .how could the paper come up with words?

Synchronizing elementary sophistication - stepping up determination,
Following continuously endless hallways - jumping up to scrutinize illumination,
Countless gaps of dejection will come along till the flames flares again!
Effortless pleasures will amaze again till the Mighty heats the plea again!

You need to wake up from your dreams, you need to plea in front of the Mighty to make you awake from this sleep.

> To be Continued >

Stay tuned and catch the second story . . .

Catch Lahore with me . . .

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