There is no Hope for a Perfect Research.

According to my definition of a perfect research, it should identify all the elements of a problem and provide a solution to completely eradicate it. But the fact is, a lot of variables are involved in a certain research and it is humanly impossible to analyze each and every detail of all those variables. Apart from this statement, we also need to see the nature of a problem on which we are performing our research.  Every research has its own priorities, own targeted population and geographical boundaries. So, by just evaluating the problem statement, we cannot decide whether it’s a difficult research or a simple research. It is the person or the organization that needs to decide the level of perfection to be achieved by carrying out their research. I strongly disagree to the logical definition of perfect research that solves a problem up to 100% - there is no research as perfect. 
      In my research, “enhancing a standardized education system at professional level in Pakistan”, initially I decided to take my primary information only from students and teachers. But as I went along I realized that there are various other factors which need to be taken care of, such as the management, the curriculum, the study hours, the geographical area of certain institutions, the social and cultural factors, the teaching methodology, availability of resources and numerous other factors. So it was literally impossible for me to encounter each and every variable and frame out a specific solution for all of them. My focus was to manipulate the education system in such a way that only one standard should exist throughout the country to eliminate all sorts of discrimination in the education system. After my research I have come to the conclusion that we need consistency in our educational system standards, top level research facilities and resources to accommodate students in every way. My instructors realized that if we implement these standards in our educational system we would be able to achieve a standardized educational system in Pakistan. They knew that the research was not up to the perfection mark, but agreed that it will make a huge difference. So what I understood from this experience was that although we cannot provide an ideal solution to a certain problem by research, we can identify the flaws and try to eliminate one at a time. 
      Implementation is an important feature of research. We have to keep in mind the limitation of targeted population on which we are performing our research. An ideal solution for a specific problem is nearly impossible to implement. Thus, this factor also bound us to touch those aspects which are not applicable to a certain location Mysteries and miracles are present in our universe and God has entitled us to investigate and benefit ourselves from resources present in universe. But we are not made to perform each task in a perfect way; we seek, learn and devise a solution. The basic purpose of research is exactly the same, extracting out information from people, books, and articles and use it to unravel a problem. In my research, “Technical tools being taught at university and their practical advantage in industry”, I tried to figure out the tools (Programming languages, quantitative and qualitative software, Microsoft word, etc), that have a desired practical advantage in industry and should be taught at university level. Every organization has its own setup and requirements, so we cannot conclude that if we teach these tools, they will be equally beneficial to all. But after my research I figured out a trend prevailing in the industry and inferred what minimum is actually required from a business graduate. Though I wasn’t able to provide a perfect explanation for the advantages of tools we learn in university but I clarified that students will have an edge if they learn these specific tools as they are in demand and widely used in industry. These points play an important role in the imperfection of research. Among these, the interpretation of information from primary/secondary/territory sources can vary from person to person, so one cannot align his/her assessment in one specific direction.
      If I put my experiences to conclude this topic, I will say, it completely depends on an individual to decide what he/she wants to gain from a certain research. The biggest achievement of a certain research is to influence people to actively participate in it and work together to attain the maximum level of satisfaction. After examining some documentaries I have come to the conclusion that whatever the researchers desire to achieve, they have some kind of a threshold and if they succeed to reach that threshold they consider it as perfect. This in my opinion is the very concept of research. It entirely depends on the person doing the research. Instead of focusing on all the variables, the researcher should focus on a few which he/she considers to be the most important to achieve his/her goal, as it is impossible to have a perfect research. 


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