Sometimes music says it all.

Times when everything goes static-life seem to be colorless, music asks you to live
Times when heart doesn’t feel to tune around, music beats to bring back rhythm
Times when you wish to live a moment again, music cherish it for you one more time

Sometimes the tune of the gloom & sometimes the sound of victory
Sometimes briefing enchanting history & sometimes deluding illusions
At times the rhyme of happiness & at times the hue and cry of loss
At times the shine of beauties around & at times the fading colors of emotions

It allows you to capture nurturing blooms
It follows you to jingle towards destiny
It tingle you to get up and keep going
It diversify uniqueness for you

You tickle a smile, flash back to memories – rejoice that instance in time
You blink & music says it all . . .
You drop a tear, stay still to freeze – grieve that moment in time
You are silent & music says it all . . .

… the storm is coming.

An incident happened on Wednesday evening, at a petrol pump station. The words, “the storm is coming” echoing in my ears with grave intensity, let me share this with you and you all can give this your own point of view.
A man races towards an exit after pumping gas in his new black city where he saw a man, a beggar coming in front of him, he stopped the car with a screech;

Man: (pulling the side window down) >  hey! Watch out for yourself. (He hurled these words towards that beggar, in English language).
Beggar: (with expressionless face, he replied innocently, in same language) > watch out for yourself son, the storm is coming.

I will never forget the blank face that man made with extremely silent eyes.
What can I say; a great message is hidden in his words – the words of wisdom, if we could infer that wisdom.

Cloaking mystics of spirituality

Wake up now, it’s not the darkness of the night
Blow off the flame; it’s not the glow of success
Wake up-that no one is coming to aware you now
Pray to lit the lamp-that He is not going to save the prey now
Blink for a change now, shred the slumber to unveil mystics of spirituality
                                               . . . You’re cloaking mystics of spirituality.

For how long do we have to opt slavery for lavishness?
I want to raise the sun so high that the shine stays imperishable
For how long do we have to go wrong to stay correct?
I want to plough a path so smooth that the way stays gravity less
Stop walking blindly now, clear delusions to taste mystics of spirituality
                                             . . . You’re cloaking mystics of spirituality.

Never occurred to me the complexities of staying good
Forever I imagined the beauty of smile like a blossom petals
Ever wondered to live & cheer a moment for someone else
Whenever I dreamed the holiness of nature sprinkling pure aqua
Sweep off the mist now; engulf idealism to seek the mystics of spirituality
                                               . . . You’re cloaking mystics of spirituality.

Not that intricate to say ‘no’
A thought infuriating spirits against all the odds
Not that convoluted to say ‘no’
A silent step to nurture the spirits towards a cause
Don’t be so rigid to say ‘no’
As it is the essence to secure the spirits of nobility
Think of the time when He will start saying ‘no’ to you!

It is time for us to take initial steps towards progress. It just starts with a unique ability to say ‘no’ to things which are wrong. No matter how low you are in your voice, your effort counts, your desire to view a beautiful world counts, your concern towards the people in distress counts. I saw a dream, a vision to lay the foundation of goodness on our grounds. Be a righteous to your own acts, stay pure to your own heart, because a person knows exactly what is wrong and what is right. An act of goodness, an act of true-ness makes the spirits pure and prevail the authentic creation around us. Last word, a good act can cause God’s light to fall upon you and a bad one can cause darkness. Think yourself where do we stand right now, in light or in darkness & what do you want to do?


The soul of poetry burning, turning the ashes to gold
Grave thoughts engulfing, illuminating the dark hope to shine
No fire originated, till the tiny lasts heat to spark
Flames bursting, through eradicating chaos of ignorance
Alongside, sprinkling petals of the soul of poetry

A Rhyme of Feminine Fantasies

God has fabricated nature’s excellence with His own hands
Casted the inimitable galaxies’ loveliness with His own vision
God has nurtured kindness’ secrecy through His own heart
Entrenched mysterious feminine fantasies with His own grace

If you could ever get a chance to unfold her heart, you will certainly be perfumed by the holy veracity God has positioned in her heart. ‘she’ can laugh while trouncing so many tears, ‘she’ can forgo deep imaginings in order to see her treasured associates thrive, ‘she’ creates imperishable beauties around – the voice that tunes to assonance, the eyes that makes the stars appalling, the expressions that makes oceanic deepness to undergo shallowness, the love that makes the cosmos to forget uniqueness, the fierceness that congeal the hell’s flares. ‘she’ is a steadfast friend, a devoted wife, a dutiful daughter, heartfelt sister, an affectionate mother and above all ‘she’ is a specie blessed to extend blessings whilst preserving her feminine fantasies.

Fascinated merely by purified respect, anticipate cherished moments
Awaits for solo praises drenched in distinctive aqua, she admires manner

Want to leave out every dimension behind, to scrutinize new contemplation
Instincts so sharp, enrage angelic activity; she soars beyond mind's eye

Never feared for self assault; her gentle force paves through mountains
Optimistic in each scenario, accompany only faith if acknowledges once

She’s true to love that engraves her feminine fantasies
She’s chaste to link that basis her feminine fantasies
She’s a women, she’ll always worship her fantasies 

& if I could tell them the real me . . .

It is not like that I am not aware of the concept, people apply to comprehend me and I am certainly not impolite to stay that way, as the eyes that ask me so many questions does concern me. They’ll amend their glare into pliable expressive sight if I could them the real me.

Let’s roll the frame to set time back into my world

Where lies the grids of everlasting enchanting dreams

Never forged of illusion, never sought of solution

Let’s rerun the same trail to feel the warmth of my land

Where lives the passion in sequence of divine rhythm

Never far away to be vague, never acquire to get clean

Mostly I infer various speculations driving within me to unfold those mysteries which, though prevailing from centuries but never acclaimed in anyway. Rather than to think, I sense, I feel, I realize the expressions flowing towards me, the motion, the notion they create – the real essence of the creating that emotion. I may be different in a way very different way, but certainly from the very beginning I realized a unique energy echoing to new dimension. They’ll drench in pure aqua and unquestionably follow my aspect if I could tell them the real me.

Some dark nights exempted me from the limelight

& I waited for the sparks of the evolving dawn

They didn’t come until the shadow prevailed again

Appreciated the actuality of pursuing a path in a burrow

& some passive voices are rising like evolution

They initiated the motive to bring the lost-one again

Here I come to rationalize & if I could tell the real me . . .

They would have conceded it a bright sight and breeze away

There always an occasion in our lives when some unexplainable happenings thrust away our lives to some point where we feel detached from the entire world. but as days goes off and on and seasons shines and dull away, our lives also move forward leaving behind history. pack your bags and lets travel with me to future and make the world realize of the true you !


Different, with a difference – slightly different.

Appeared like a moon, twinkling like a star.

Searching like a sun, approaching like a ray.
. . . and collecting some silent words on her trembling lips.

Resembling her opening with a dawn
She started shining neatly, with a sol
Persuading her light for others to follow

It was different – certain dreams in her open eyes
It was awesome – the lightning smile she spread
It was trendy – the rising curiosity to find the truth

Differently she acted, differently she stayed
The different was so different, which overwhelmed all differences
Stunning like a lake, the different was *S.P

Stayed close to her heart,
She talked a lot but remained silent
She looked a lot but kept her eyes closed
She laughed a lot but her smile was joyless

Along with people but remained different
Like a prayer, she is complete but incomplete
She is different, she is *S.P


Before I could close my eyes for a good night sleep, I widen my eyes to vision the only dream of my every night. Lying with my arms crossed over my head, getting comfy on the bed, watching pendulum swings in front of me – wishing I could stop the running arms of the clock and set it back to where I want to. Craving for that aspect of life where I could bring a new dimension. Absorbing that bright vision deep into my eyes and closing them to enter a world where I could live my dream forever.

I want to shake that hand that comes after every success
I want to live that moment that brings smile on every face
I want to feel the pinch of tears that flows often abruptly

It is not just satisfaction of me being involved, it the act of non-participation that makes me cheerless. I follow a path in my dream where I pluck every colorful flower, design every possible rhythm, sweep out every shadow of sadness, so that I will be able o sprinkle smiles around, spread happiness and enrich the atmosphere with joy and optimism. All moves don’t go wrong when I see the only dream of my life.

Wish I could mould each irony to blossom beauty for them
. . . and bring out the buried sensation to exhibit my true feel
Wish I could let loose each knot to fabricate flying carpet for them
. . . and shower blessed rain to purify every beat of my heart

Pasting an ignorant smile on my face and turning my head to go blank innocently. Figuring out every possible element to turn into my favor but always gush out as tiny droplet from eye and leave me alone to wait for another night to sight the only dream of my every night.

An encounter with Fuzzy Logic

Starting off with an informal introduction to Fuzzy Logic (FL), FL is a controlling method to manage processes/problems involving simple logical decisions. FL is different from traditional binary or digital logic because it can work in a more relaxed and free environment as compared to digital world which only works on a binary logic of 1’s & 0’s. Before giving a formal definition, an example will make simplify the working of FL. Consider two water valves, one digital and the other analog. Digital valve is designed to move one inch at a time, so if it has to open 4 inches, it will open as, open 1 inch, open 2 inch, open 3 inch and open 4 inches. Thus the digital valve will not be able to open at 1.2 inches, 2.4 inches or 3.4 inches because it’s values are based on binary logic and can only open in steps of 1, 2, 3, and so on. On the other hand, the analog valve works on FL; it can have values between 1 inch and 2 inch, making it more comfortable to open at any interval.
Formally, Fuzzy Logic is an efficient controlling mechanism for problem-solving that can be embedded in any software/hardware and making it possible to implement robotic technology in such a way that can comprehend fuzzy data in comfortable way, comparing over “True” or “False” values. “FL is a form of algebra employing a range of values from "true" to "false" that is used in making decisions with imprecise data. The outcome of an operation is assigned a value between 0 and 1 corresponding to its degree of truth. Fuzzy logic is used, for example, in artificial intelligence systems” (Fuzzy-Logic). Referring to the example above, control system based on FL will be able to comprehend the command in a form like, ‘level increasing rapidly, decrease valve size’ or ‘level falling, increase valve size.’ Whereas the traditional digital logic will accept command in a very precise manner, ‘level > 3, valveValue = --’ or ‘if level <= 2, valveValue ++.’ Now FL is being used in Artificial Intelligence to make robots behave more like humans and able to interpret imprecise, incomplete, noisy, unclear commands and perform specific actions. As it is a form of control system in problem-solving, its implementation is more like traditional control systems.

There is no Hope for a Perfect Research.

According to my definition of a perfect research, it should identify all the elements of a problem and provide a solution to completely eradicate it. But the fact is, a lot of variables are involved in a certain research and it is humanly impossible to analyze each and every detail of all those variables. Apart from this statement, we also need to see the nature of a problem on which we are performing our research.  Every research has its own priorities, own targeted population and geographical boundaries. So, by just evaluating the problem statement, we cannot decide whether it’s a difficult research or a simple research. It is the person or the organization that needs to decide the level of perfection to be achieved by carrying out their research. I strongly disagree to the logical definition of perfect research that solves a problem up to 100% - there is no research as perfect. 
      In my research, “enhancing a standardized education system at professional level in Pakistan”, initially I decided to take my primary information only from students and teachers. But as I went along I realized that there are various other factors which need to be taken care of, such as the management, the curriculum, the study hours, the geographical area of certain institutions, the social and cultural factors, the teaching methodology, availability of resources and numerous other factors. So it was literally impossible for me to encounter each and every variable and frame out a specific solution for all of them. My focus was to manipulate the education system in such a way that only one standard should exist throughout the country to eliminate all sorts of discrimination in the education system. After my research I have come to the conclusion that we need consistency in our educational system standards, top level research facilities and resources to accommodate students in every way. My instructors realized that if we implement these standards in our educational system we would be able to achieve a standardized educational system in Pakistan. They knew that the research was not up to the perfection mark, but agreed that it will make a huge difference. So what I understood from this experience was that although we cannot provide an ideal solution to a certain problem by research, we can identify the flaws and try to eliminate one at a time. 
      Implementation is an important feature of research. We have to keep in mind the limitation of targeted population on which we are performing our research. An ideal solution for a specific problem is nearly impossible to implement. Thus, this factor also bound us to touch those aspects which are not applicable to a certain location Mysteries and miracles are present in our universe and God has entitled us to investigate and benefit ourselves from resources present in universe. But we are not made to perform each task in a perfect way; we seek, learn and devise a solution. The basic purpose of research is exactly the same, extracting out information from people, books, and articles and use it to unravel a problem. In my research, “Technical tools being taught at university and their practical advantage in industry”, I tried to figure out the tools (Programming languages, quantitative and qualitative software, Microsoft word, etc), that have a desired practical advantage in industry and should be taught at university level. Every organization has its own setup and requirements, so we cannot conclude that if we teach these tools, they will be equally beneficial to all. But after my research I figured out a trend prevailing in the industry and inferred what minimum is actually required from a business graduate. Though I wasn’t able to provide a perfect explanation for the advantages of tools we learn in university but I clarified that students will have an edge if they learn these specific tools as they are in demand and widely used in industry. These points play an important role in the imperfection of research. Among these, the interpretation of information from primary/secondary/territory sources can vary from person to person, so one cannot align his/her assessment in one specific direction.
      If I put my experiences to conclude this topic, I will say, it completely depends on an individual to decide what he/she wants to gain from a certain research. The biggest achievement of a certain research is to influence people to actively participate in it and work together to attain the maximum level of satisfaction. After examining some documentaries I have come to the conclusion that whatever the researchers desire to achieve, they have some kind of a threshold and if they succeed to reach that threshold they consider it as perfect. This in my opinion is the very concept of research. It entirely depends on the person doing the research. Instead of focusing on all the variables, the researcher should focus on a few which he/she considers to be the most important to achieve his/her goal, as it is impossible to have a perfect research. 


and I tie my shoe lace in a different way . . .

There can be so many different ways of doing a certain job, you have to choose the best one for yourself,
People mark things right and perform, i performed and wanted to make it right as i have always tied my shoe lace in a different way . . .

Invisible, Delicate Energy Bonds . . .


Have you ever figured it out, what really energy is? How does it work in making relationships?
All the attachments, all the feelings, all the emotions, the tears, the smiles, rhythmic clutching of heart - the love, the sense of touch, the sensation of lips, the support of an hug, the expressiveness of eyes - the power of your brain, its all energy around you.
Brain - the controlling center of all the actions of humans, right from your heart beat to all the six senses you possess. There is nothing except energy in this world. What you do, what you think, how you behave, how you react, when you smile, when you cry you always unintentionally transmit energy right from your brain through your body. Laughter, moaning, clapping are contiguous, why? It resonate energy in your body, internal frequency of energy matches with the outside frequency and you are able to do what you see.
Among all the buildings around the globe, some are special structures, Pyramids - gathers negative energies, octagonal shape of mosques - gathers positive energies. What actually is the concept of negative and positive energies? and how does it plays an important role in human relationships and behavior?
Human face is capable of delivering thousands of expressions - expression itself is a form of energy, it interacts with brain and we all are able to sense and interpret the feelings of other person from their expression. is sad, is happy, is tense, is worried, is about to cry, is lost, is thinking - have you memorized those expressions and always come to know what this specific expression means? NO! these are the same expression you are capable of delivering, in fact you possesses the energy within yourself and when you see an expression, it signals to your brain, matches with the energy within you and you are able to know what this means.

The only thing capable of bringing out change in this world is the sun - God has made sun the hub of energy. We humans - are chunks of, are packets of energies, capable of great power. Its ironic that we possess tremendous amount of power and we hardly knows about it. Negativity, Positivity are in our own hands. We are the ones who are responsible for every good act and bad act. When you do good, the energy of your body aligns with the positive energies around you, you become a transmitter of good energies.
Relationships - How they are made - How they work
The deepest and unmatchable relationship is of Mother & child, why, 
To be continued . . .

Destiny series - 101

Destiny – a tale of fabricating success with a thread of failure.

For some, destiny is what they get
For some destiny is what they want
For some destiny is what they lose

For me, destiny is effort, is hardship, is the core concentration of bringing out myself, and reveals it to the world.

*I know I stood up from the deep pit and started climbing again,
*I know I ignite the fire within me and started searching again,

I know I had a fall, which shattered all my hopes, my wishes, my ideas & my love. But the best part, I never stop dreaming. The falls, the failures, the darkness made me aware of the world in which I am living. I somehow thank to these crises for waking me up and showing me the real world.

*Was so wrong about the perception I always trusted in my placid surfing . . .
*Was so oblivious about the imminent dejection positioned in my smooth stroll . . .
*Captivating thoughts always enlighten me to trust the design rhythm.

I never thought of the darkness approaching towards me but the gut feelings were always there to concern me that the thing is not right. The energy around your heart and brain is so strong that it always keeps you aware of the happenings around you, it makes you alert – but we didn’t bother to just give it a thought.

*Made me durable to resist all the odds & evens in life
*Made me stingy towards the impenetrability of illusive tact

A tale that will enhance your spirits to gain success in every scenario – catch Lahore will lead you to some real life experiences that will make you realize that there is always a great sacrifice behind every success.

If you haven’t sacrificed anything – you haven’t achieved anything.

Have you ever asked yourself . . . am i in Love ?

Its your destiny, that awaits only for you. You can run away from any thing, but you cant run from your destiny. Everyone is in search of love - true love and its your destiny to find one. Trust me.

This is the last link of affairology season BUT its also the first stage of;
'destiny series'

Catch Lahore - a thought to catch Life in a catchy way.

am i in love? a reason to ask why
am i in love? a question to ask why
am i in love? a feeling to express how

the eyes? that gave me a new world to view
the face? that gave me a new life to live
the words? that gave me a moment to smile again

the feelings - unexplainable, the beating - uncontrollable
the tears - unstoppable, the joy - unbelievable
i am in - love, a miracle - that is achievable

surely the creation is beautiful to me now
unquestioningly, heaven is a place known to me now
endearingly, i am absorbed in the aqua of love now

things are not the same as i am in love straight away
winter breeze is not so cold as the sun shines more brightly
seven strips opened to me as the autumn cover is over neatly

all wishes seem to come true, as i am in...
all dreams tune to reality, as i am in...
all songs come towards completion, as i am in love.

*So my friends, have Love ever knocked the doors of your heart?
if yes, you will surely appreciate the way Catch Lahore has Catch Love.

do provide us with your valuable feedback.
Stay Tuned and Catch Lahore . . .

I wanted to tell you . . .

so many times in our life, we have some thing to say to someone, but it some unexplainable phenomenon that stops us to give sound to our words.
So much to say, so much to explain and just cant feel the rhythm to tune out the expressions.
Just for all these expressions, feelings unknown mysteries . . .

I wanted to tell you . . .
Sitting behind a tree, looking cautiously at you
Time drags with falling leaves around, without you
In a drizzling atmosphere I wanted to tell you

It all begins where it ends
It always ends before it starts
It always starts when I wanted to tell you

What makes me breath so heavily in front of you?
I don’t know what is it, where is it & why?
What makes me stop when I wanted to tell you?
I don’t know what it feels; it is there, but why?

The words slip down the throat when . . .
The eyesight seems to be still when . . .
And my heart ceases to beat when . . .

The expression of concern was there,
For this I wanted to tell you actuality.
Like shines the account for lurking was there
But I wanted to tell you the covered veracity.

* a streamline, a ring to the chain of 'Affairology seasons'
This seasons last episode will be posted tonight, stay tuned and get the ultimate final version, the last words for a new beginning.


Its seriously hard to express your utmost feelings for pure devotion,
Just a gift that is worthless in front of great Blessings from God to humanity.

a dedication to Mothers all around the Globe making life beautiful to us.


Penetrating deep into the prevailed darkness – the dawn
Cultivating buried avenues of my life – the dawn
Glean flourishes visions high and low – the dawn

What else you can wish for, the planetary comfort cushions you
What else you can dream of, the heavenly treasures enrich you
What dimensions you seek of, the blend of blessed aqua drench you
What care you allure for, the sight of guarded lamp saved you

Ray of every hope aligns charismatic attention for you – your Mother!
Drop of every shower soak angel’s divine for you – your Mother!
Always assorts a smile in your sad hour – your Mother!
Always classify a distinction in your casual approach – your Mother!

Love so cherish-able, so evocative, so silky – the love of Mother
Stance so rhythmic, so precise, so inventive – the art of Mother
Manner so adorable, so innocent, like a verse – the contour of Mother
Model so illustrate-able, so teachable, like a tree – the shadow of Mother

The day starts with it, glows the world within me – everyday dawn of my life
The spirit ignites with it, flows the sparks within me – everyday dawn of my life
Soak the thirsty soul, blossoms the petal fragrance – everyday dawn of my life

I seek out to fabricate appreciation but the escalation so vast to conquer
I step out to sprint for bequest but measure so stretched to envelop
Realized the shadow of Divinity encircles dawn,I worshiped if isn’t outlawed
Realized the site kept for Niche similar to dawn,I surrender faith if isn’t outlawed

Scenery diversified in uniqueness of two dimensions by HIM!
Relish the presence of dawn to limits.
Holds the supremacy to idolize gullies and saved it to HIM!
Cherish the luminosity of dawn to limits.

Lets say thank you to mom, for what i am, for what i am.

Catch Mother's day with me . . .
Catch Lahore . . .

ONE Lahore TWO Stories . . .

Have you ever witnessed the power of ONE?
a change 'one' can bring to himself/herself - to humanity. Change - can never be brought at once, it has to happen step by step.
But, who will take the initial step? yeah, same old principle - "Its some one else s job." i rephrase this, 'I am sleeping, somebody will take care of this.'
one of the stories is directly related to your sleep, yes your slumber!
You all are in a state of sleep because you are unable to see whats going around you.
One story, somehow related to the history of Lahore - the fall of Mughal Empire, no wonder they were also in a state of sleep.
Second story, the effort of one that brought a change, no matter how small a change was but it was, and i witnessed it.

Here goes with the first, i termed your state of slumber & your inability to look around, as, "WHEN I FALL ASLEEP . . ."

I thought of a regular awake, i sought out for a simple dream
No wonder the slumber diffused me to unstable deep ugly pit
I lurked against the melodious rhyme, i trusted the designed rhythm
No way, a being defeat the lonely gathering of light-less shadows

* you will all be thinking that it will be over again and things will get smooth again and you will be awake again. wishful thinking.

Spark residues pops to ignite vitality, but greasy clouds seals volatility
Exemplify the history model, but the vision so blur to inherit smoothly
Restricted divine path, scrutinizing angel's light but skip-over dashes thoroughly

* an hero will emerge again and reset things, that will be in your favor. You thinking of an model that will exemplify history again. wishful thinking.

Inland fumes, smoky traces, tune so sweet - bothers vagueness
Reply-able cry, sandy footprints, appeal so savage - madden heme
Charismatic alignment, silky smooth, focus so straight - ray chagrin
Blossom beauty, petal fragrance, shines so lusty - beats hope

* you have found beauty in worldly pleasures, baseless materialistic figures. you are unable to see the true face of beauty - it starts from your own heart. in distress, you will cry and someone will listen to you. wishful thinking.

Trim-less prevailed heights,
. . .how could the hands touch the skies?
Ruthless escaping epoch,
. . .how could the paper come up with words?

Synchronizing elementary sophistication - stepping up determination,
Following continuously endless hallways - jumping up to scrutinize illumination,
Countless gaps of dejection will come along till the flames flares again!
Effortless pleasures will amaze again till the Mighty heats the plea again!

You need to wake up from your dreams, you need to plea in front of the Mighty to make you awake from this sleep.

> To be Continued >

Stay tuned and catch the second story . . .

Catch Lahore with me . . .

Our ideology "was" based on Brotherhood

The word (was) in the title is highlighted to give emphasis on the displacement of our view, our culture, our principles, our values, our ethics & in our ideology!
Last week we had a poll, although only few participated in it, but we got the trend people feel, that is prevailing in our society. We have left respect for each other, we have created blurriness in our visions - we have become selfish!
It is not that difficult to be a source of help for people who are in need. it just require a gesture to offer your kind attitude to someone.
I wonder, where has all the spirit gone - the real spirit of brotherhood - the value for life and value for each other. The selfishness acting like a contagious disease prevailing deep into the roots of our society.
I named the feelings of the victims of YOUR Selfishness as - A SILENT CRY . . .

Creepy shadow prevails all over now
Drowning air starts to fade from all over now
Shed leaves started to run all over now
Sunshine prevails only behind the clouds now!

* Just imagine a world in which everyone is just taking care of their-selves, don't you think we are suffering the same circumstances now a days.

There is way! without a destiny
There is soul! without a body
There is a face! without a smile
There is a cry! without a sound

* Nobody just give it a try to form a relation of kindness & healthy gestures with each other.

Still now, no signs of penetrating shine
Still now, no rolling waves from the spring
Steps falling and falling and falling
Tears falling and falling and falling

* Everyone is just waiting for other one to start, as we trust heavily on "its some one else s job" - NO ! its your job to bring out change, its your job to start doinf things for this mankind, for this brotherhood.

Shrinking heart, craving eyes, inquisitiveness thoughts,
Learning along the gloomy scenario of verity.
Noisy silence, gravy darkness, lifeless wait,
Screeching a cry, a silent cry, a bottomless cry.

* Bring out a positive change and stop this silent cry - seep into your own heart there will be a cry - a silent cry hidden in your heart & you know the way to end it.

Distorted dreams, scattered smiles, limits mortal's ingenuity
Frozen emotions burning to flames, with ashes lurking alone
Thirst sunk within the cover of heart, exposing engraved dejection
Silent throat screeching a cry, a silent cry, a bottomless cry

Idols, lying in slumber, away from the blow of autumn
Faces, stretching ignorance, away from the facts of being real
Praying hands lifting a cry, a silent cry, a bottomless cry
Comes a reply fro a cry, if heard by the sky

** Your state of being helpless regarding the existent of this cry is just a fake illusion - rub your eyes, open your heart - bring back you true spirit of real ideology.

A vision of Catch Lahore . . .
Do provide us with your value able feed back.

Affairology season 102

My friends, how many times have you witnessed a rather heavy heart beat when you see someone. The unexplainable clutching of stomach and sweet sensations felt right through your heart.
Lahore the city of fun, warmhearted gathering, hustle and bustle surroundings and the hub of love & respect.
The heart of Punjab, the love of all Pakistan - Lahore.

yeh hum hee hain jinhoo nay sekhaya jena un ku,
. . . kise noor ke tarah chamkaya is asmaan ku,
. . . . kabhe guzroo Lahore ke galion say tu jaan jao gay,
. . . . . yehi ha andaaz zinda dilaan Lahore ka, jis nay banaya ha munfrid Pakistan ku.


Walking through a calm way in a still surrounding
Things seems to be indistinguishable around
All disappeared concurrently by a blazed first sight

The silent steps knocked the heart rhythmically
The placid walking style opened the eyes completely
The look - the first sight, dazed the eyes instantly

Innocent face with engraved emotions
Shinning eyes with no signs of illusion
Showering simplicity all over - the first sight

Wish, it could last forever
Wish, i could be a part of it forever
I wish ! it could be mine forever

Normalcy prevailed all around again
Its over, its finished leaving behind flashbacks once again
It was the first sight but, now, will repeat again, again & again.

Catch Lahore - stay tuned for more . . .

Catch Lahore - Affairology season 101

Small experiences lies beneath within our heart and we do sometimes smile silently by remembering those events. I hope almost majority of us have experienced these incidents.
So for all those who have spent some sleepless nights . . .


Now where should i start from, its all black but . . .
An unseen light pushed me under the sky of twinkling stars
The sound whispered to come and explore the night of twinkling stars

A star twinkling, flickering in the sky
. . . but seems to me close enough on the ground
A star with a distant light unlike uniqueness
. . . but seems to me a night alive with stars

What should i say now, it feels like some unexplainable words
What should i cherish on, it feels like inexpressible happiness
What should i recite, it feels like unseen Holy to me

It sense like finished but thought as begining
It appeared like a ray and vanished like a cloud
It heard like a voice though sounds like a rhyme

. . . walked into the night of twinkling stars
I am blessed with the phenomenon of twinkling stars
. . . stayed there for a moment in the night
I am blessed with the idea of Holy lamp

I saw the night passed
I saw the stars staring dull
. . . and i saw the heavenly vision in the night of twinkling stars

*a layer of smooth touch for all those who are a little sensitive in this area, will take these seasons to a new level . . .
Catch Lahore will encounter all those events in a comic rhythmic wave that will stay in your heart forever . . .

*Your comments will enhance the real essence of this tale . . .

Catch Lahore - enlighten us . . .

The nature was designed in this way . . .

SPRING - the season, when comes, it prevails a lively atmosphere all around. Everything just goes fresh and colorful. it is the most pleasant experience one could have.
There is a tree in front of my house, that goes on & off with seasons, the leaves get dry, they fall and new one arrives. the process is continuous and going on for years. But the tree looks most beautiful when new light green leaves starts to appear when the spring starts. Though it goes on & on every year but its beauty at the start of spring always look stunning.
I recognized a thing, that God has given us, as a great blessing, which are the ups & downs of life we experience in day to day life - which makes each moment worth living.


Seasons gone, days passed but time still waits
Behind the clouds in the sky, is the reason for
Lurking all alone, watching all false dreams
How alone, how sad - the last leaf of summer

*The sad experience, the tree feels when autumn come and he fears the death of its leaves.

Waiting all the time, looking all around searching its way
Finding all the time, footsteps in the shadow of doubt
Now no pray to pray and no heart to hurt
Saying all the time - the last leaf of summer

*The leaves have started falling and the time is here which the tree afraid of.

How would it pass the time for next time to new time?
How would it gather the moments of last time to this time?
How would it know about the time, which waits all the time?
How would it know that it is the last leaf of summer?

*Now it is suffering from grave failure - the death of all its leaves. The moment of extreme darkness in its life.

Belief still exists in heart
Belief still exists in eyes
Remembering all the lonely walks
Remembering all meaningless evenings

*The belief of coming spring - the nature of every being to hope till it last.

Silent lips, searching eyes, dry autumn and wet winter
Leaving last time for new time
The last leaf of summer . . .

* and the cycle goes on & on & on . . .

** Never fear your challenges & never challenges your fears - These all ups & downs are blessed on you by God, so that you always have a real & true taste of every moment in life, how would you enjoy winning without having a taste of loss.

Catch Lahore - never doubt your abilities - live your passion . . .

An experience of lifetime . . .

On our trip to India, we had an encounter with a girl that has an innocent smile, we were all traveling in a train (From mumbai to delhi). She was from Srinagar-Kashmir. She was a teacher there. She told us about the incidents, all the happenings and the reality beyond all this we see day to day through media. The day i thought we all are very lucky to have a country of our own. We can at least breath, roam around, travel, have our children walk through streets and every day to day things which the people of Kashmiries cant even imagine.
I realized the pain in her eyes, the cry, the words pleading help for those who are dying there in vain.
I tried to express some expression i grasp from her face but these are just words not the feelings i got from her face, those were unexplainable, i named that girl - the girl with an innocent smile.

A train was movinf with an increasing pace
In a lonely night, she flashed like lightning
sat in front of me - the girl with an innocent smile

so much to explain, so much to tell, so much to ask
what lye behind those eyes, whats hidden behind that smile
the words were there but the sound was burried deep inside

she wanted to shout, she wanted to cry
the reason was there but she kept it covered with her smile
she wanted to fly, she wanted to fall freely
the reason was something else but always appeared as smile

i wanted to hold her hand and share her fancies
i wanted to counter that smile and win a laughter for her
i wanted to turn those mute eyes into blissful stars

she is gone, she disappeared - scattering questions around
my thoughts hovering about that expressionless smile
wish i could get through that everlasting smile but . . .
will remain a hidden truth, the girl with an innocent smile.

** i was so impressed by her faith and positive attitude. she kept a constant smile on her face while talking to us and did show her anger but never pointed a finger on anyone.
The thing which i will always remember was that, she said, "there is always much more to life than you see, always keep faith in the One - who has created us all."

Catch Lahore, stay united, always have faith . . .

The Bright shadow of night

Last night, i was sitting on the roof top of my house, suddenly i figured out my shadow - shadow, owing to the bright light of moon, i realized the smoothness and calmness in the moon light and the begin thinking of something . . .

Let the sunshine finishes now
Let the rain come to an end now
Let the water dry up again
Let the shadow of night sprinkle again

*i named the shadow, the bright shadow of night, which to me refers to the hope, in the prevailed darkness in somebody's life, could be failure, could be any sort of darkness.

Thirsty lips, wet eyes lurking all alone in the dark
Developing thoughts, rising inquisitiveness and obstreperous manner
Spreading light, ominous sounds and aghast movements
Searching all alone in the dark

*have you ever witnessed the nature of human being, when he is in the state of any failure and searching here and there for help. The curiosity and the eagerness to just end this dark period and come in light again - the moon light.

Come now, make this dream true now
Come now, don't make me awake now
Make it, feel it, sense it but lie it now
Make it, bring it, drop it let it be now

Glow again, make it glow once again.
Cry again, make your eyes wet again.
Blow again, make the wind flow again.
Walk again, feel the warmth once again.

What now, stretching clouds are running again
Repeating frames, which the moon afraid of
Burning flames of, wait, that would not last for long
What now, wait again, until the time comes once again . . .

** well the thing i realized in that moon light - nothing is larger than life and nothing stays forever. you should be thankful to what you have. regret is inevitable owing to its nature, but hope is eternal due to God's blessings. always think of the positive side.
Stay together - never leave hope.

Catch Lahore - a vision to spread happiness.

Lets fight for those, who think they are left alone !

There - life seems to be still
No sound, no vision, no happiness lives there
where there is no light - they are left alone

what, if they know the word humanity
what, if they think of the word freedom
what, if they believe - they are left alone

watching the race that is beefing up in front of them
ignoring the fact that is diminishing in front of them
accepting the truth that is lying in front of them

drowning wishes in the deep corners of heart
lurking alone all the time in the crowded sort surrounding
left alone in the gravest aperture of darkness

they can survive but surely they cannot smile
because there are emotions, but without feelings
they can imagine but surely they cannot express
because there are people, in them - they are left alone

and, with regret, the people are we, we, we !

Catch Lahore will catch all the happiness for all those who thinks they are left alone, are you Lahories ? are you with me ? will you CatchLahore with me . . .

For all those, who have a special place for someone . . .

The Place i Know . . .

searching a way to find a place i know.
flickering my thoughts to identify a place i know.
it was here a moment ago, no its gone.

the place was a dream like structure,
with resting pillars of beauty & supporting walls of happiness
. . . and smile makes the cover around a place i know.

the days are here, nights are here but the place is gone.
same stars, same moon, same sun but the shine is gone.
songs are here, words are here but the tune is gone.

there was laughter, there was a joy in a place i know.
the place was here when we were here - together.
those sharing, those secrets still exist but the place is gone.

memories, moments, shadows, sleepless nights
. . . congests the place i know.

the wax is here, the fire is here but the flame is gone
. . . because you are gone.

the place was a company - when we were together.
may you think of the time - when we were together
. . . and remember the way we were, the way we were.

Saad Umar is catching Lahore, are you . . . ?

Catch Lahore



say what - that cannot be expressed in words
think what - that goes beyond the limits of thoughts
see what - that illuminates the world, brighter than the sun

i treasure the territory that makes me feel out of this world
i treasure the time that makes me float in air every time
i treasure the love that makes me feel cherished always.